Social Responsibilities


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is committed to fostering a positive work environment that respects the rights of all employees.

Modern Slavery, Child Labour, Forced Labour

We prohibit all forms of modern slavery, child labour, and forced labour by ensuring compliance with the relevant international and local laws, standards and conventions, including the Article 4 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights (No slavery or servitude), ILO Convention No. 138 (Minimum Age) and ILO Convention No. 29 (Forced Labour). We promote ethical practices throughout the University.

No form of child labour is allowed. In accordance with ILO Convention No. 138, employment of individuals under 15 years of age who have not completed compulsory schooling is prohibited. Additionally, no work that jeopardizes the physical, mental, or psychological well-being of those under 18 will be permitted. We will verify the age of all job applicants by requiring valid identification issued by an official authority prior to employment. A copy of such identification and all other legally required documentation will be maintained in the employee's file during their employment.

We strictly prohibit any form of forced labour in all employment types and comply with ILO Convention No. 29. We take a strong stance against involuntary work or services rendered under threat of penalty and ensure that all employment is voluntary.

Articles 4 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights prohibit slavery and the slave trade in all their forms, as well as forced or compulsory labour. The University's operations policies, Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines and Equal Opportunity & Anti-Discrimination Policy are in support of our commitment against modern slavery.

Respect and Protect Labour Rights

Article 27 of the Basic Law guarantees that Hong Kong residents have freedom of association; and the right and freedom to form and join trade unions.

The Employment Ordinance (EO) provides that every employee shall as between himself and his employer have the following rights:

  • the right to associate with other persons for the purpose of forming or applying for the registration of a trade union in accordance with the provisions of the Trade Unions Ordinance (TUO);
  • the right to be a member / an officer of a trade union registered under the TUO; and
  • where he is a member or an officer of any such trade union, the right, at any appropriate time, to take part in the activities of the trade union. Appropriate time means, in relation to an employee taking part in any activities of a trade union, time which either is outside his working hours; or is a time within his working hours at which, in accordance with arrangements agreed with or consent given by or on behalf of his employer, it is permissible for him to take part in those activities.

HKUST shall not:

  1. prevent or deter an employee from exercising any of the above rights;
  2. dismiss, penalize or discriminate against an employee for exercising the above rights;
  3. make it a condition in an offer of employment that an employee must not exercise the above rights.

Pay Equity

At HKUST, we are committed to fostering a fair and equitable workplace through pay equity as one of the means. This aligns with our emphasized values of diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all employees are compensated fairly based on individual performance and contributions.

Equal Pay for Equal Work (EPEW)

Equal pay is governed under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance in Hong Kong, requiring that a woman should not be treated less favorably under comparable circumstances in the terms and conditions of employment than a man on the ground of her sex. The University upholds the principle of Equal Pay for Equal Work (EPEW). Under EPEW, a female employee is entitled to equal pay when she is doing the “same work” or “like work” as that of a man. This commitment is vital for promoting gender equality within our institution.

Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value (EPEV)

In addition to EPEW, we embrace the principle of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value (EPEV). Under EPEV, similar job titles and same terms and conditions of service are deployed for employment of men and women performing work of equal value. Our pay determination processes are systematic and free from gender bias, taking into account factors such as qualifications, experience, individual performance and competencies, as well as market conditions and internal pay relativity.

The University’s pay structure and individual pay are reviewed regularly based on established mechanism. We maintain clear records to support pay decisions and communicate the decisions and our pay policies transparently with all employees. This approach not only fulfills our legal obligations but also enhances employee engagement and strengthens our commitment to workplace equality.

We are an equal opportunity employer. All employment decisions are based on operational needs, job requirements, individual qualifications, and work performance, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital status, disability, or other non-merit factors.

Review and Updates

Our employment policies will be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the evolving legal landscape and best practices in labour relations.

For any questions or further information, please contact the Human Resources Office at